Milind (Mel) Tilak, MD
Dr Milind (Mel) Tilak is board certified in Internal Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and is Board Certified in Pain management by ABIPP (American board of Interventional Pain Physicians). ABIPP and ABIM both have specialty board recognition by Florida Dept of Health. Dr. Milind Tilak also had Board Certification in Pediatrics, but does not practice this Specialty currently. We believe Dr Mel is the only Physician in the whole of USA to hold Board Certifications in all these 3 Specialities ( Internal Medicaine, Pain management, Pediatrics). He established the current practice in 2005.
As Dr. Mel Tilak (Milind Tilak, MD) has been practicing Internal Medicine since 1997, he is not only well versed with routine Internal Medicine conditions but willing to offer something extra to patients like:Opioid Dependency/Addiction, Medical Marijuana Treatment for patients with Qualifying conditions, Hormonal Treatment for both Men and women to restore Hormoanal balance,Weight Loss,Dermatology procedures etc.
With the exception of Medical Marijuana Treatment, all the services we offer are completely covered by the Insurance, and we are preferred provider on many Insurance plans like Aetna PPO, United Health PPO, Cigna, AvMed and many more. We are also providers for Medicare and Tricare. We are also credentialed as Primary Care with ALL Insurance plans, thus your copay will certainly be less than seeing a Specialist.
Unfortunately, Medical Marijuana Treatment is currently not covered by any Insurance in Florida, so patients will be treated as self pay for this.
Our practice is well versed with Treatment of Internal Medicine conditions like Diabetes, Hypo or Hyper Thyroid, Hypertension, High cholesterol, COPD,Asthma, Chronic kidney Disease, Anemia, IBS, Bladder and Bowel disorders, STDs, Heart failure, Edema, Alzeimer’s, Parkinsonism, Mood disorders including Anxiety,Depression, PTSD, ADHD, Bipolar disorder, Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation and all other conditions generally treated in Family Practice or Internal Medicine offices.
Dr. Mel passed the competency examination in controlled substance management with Distinction in October, 2014 conducted by ABIPP and passed part 1 of ABIPP exam with distinction (77.5% passing score: proves competency in pain management diagnosis, work up and non surgical medication treatment) held in July of 2015 and passed Oral exam and Cadaveric exam in Nov,15 with excellent scores to attain Pain management Board certification in 2015.
Although Dr. Tilak has been performing pain management procedures well over 15 years, recently there has been a push for all physicians to get borad certification in their respective field of practice as a mark of proficiency in the field. At the time Dr. Tilak started his medical practice in Florida in 1997, the availibilty of Board examination in pain management from ABIPP simply did not exist.
Dr. Mel has a special interest in pain management, not just using pain medications, but to give long term relief to patients suffering from pain. We use a Fluoroscopy machine (Xray) on site, and Dr. Mel Tilak has been successfully doing interventional pain management with precision of 1 mm, using the fluoroscopy, and modern techniques. HIs complication rate from such procedures is very low because of his vast experience in the field and also because he allows sufficient time to do the procedures, so he can do the procedure with more accuracy and safety. Procedures done in our office include: Facet injections at cervical, lumbar and thoracic region, Radiofrequency neuroablation if facet blocks give good relief but the pains keep coming back, Epidural Injections: interlaminar and transforaminal and caudal type: at cervical, thoracic and lumbar levels; Sacroiliac joint blocks, Knee and shoulder joint injections, carpal tunnel injections, Sympathetic nerve blocks: at lumbar and cervical region, Spinal Cord stimulation Trial, Lumbar Discogram and variety of other injections as well. He also uses state of the art Neurodiagnostics, if needed to determine affliction of nerves. As an Internist, Dr. Mel is of course very comfortable with patients who have Cardiology, Pulmonary, Diabetes, Hypertension, Allergy, Psychiatry and several other medical conditions. He has a special interest in smoking cessation.
Special Interest:
1) Pain management, mainly Spine pain management, without surgery, using steroid, local anesthetic injections guided by Fluoroscopy, with state of the art technology. Dr. Mel Tilak attends conferences on pain management, and subscribes to Pain management Journals to keep abreast of the latest techniques and advances. Please check the Link section on our website to learn more about the pain mangement procedures we perform. Dr Tilak also performs joint injections (knee, shoulder,hip), carpal tunnel injections and others. As the number of people dying due to Accidental Opioid Overdose has skyrocketed, Medical Marijuana Treatment looks very promising.
2) Treatment of addictions: including use of medications including Chantix or wellbutrin or nortryptyline for smoking cessation, suboxone or subutex/buprenorphine for narcotics dependency/addiction, camprall or naltrexone or Antabuse for alcohol addiction, with good success rates in all. We have successfully converted many patients on Traditional Opioids like Hydrocodone, Oxycodone to Buprenorphine , as this medication is extremely safe and does not cause drowsinee or mental clouding commonly seen with Traditional Opioids.
3) Geriatric care, routine Internal Medicine care with treatment of hypertension, Diabetes, Depression, High cholesterol, COPD etc.
Baptist South Medical Center
Have contract with Hospitalists visiting all hospitals in the area; this way patients are well taken care of while in Hospital, and we coomunicate closely with the Hospitalist.
ALL major plans, including Medicare and Tricare. We are accepting new patients at this time but we do not accept Adult Medicaid. We do accept Medicare with Medicaid though.