Ketamine for Depression: A True Game changer

The disabling, persistent and paralysing symptoms of Depression are unfortunately not uncommon. In fact, depressive disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses in the United States with about 17 million people suffering from it. Depression is the leading cause of Disability worldwide.
Despite advances in science, debilitating depression is many times resistant to conventional antidepressants and behavioral therapies. In fact about one-third of Depressed patients do not respond to medications. Fortunately, Ketamine is proving to be an effective and longer lasting remedy.

If you or your loved one is amongst millions of men and women in the US who suffer from harmful effects of Depression resistant to conventional treatment, Ketamine infusion may be your answer. Extensive studies have shown its usefulness.

Dr. Tilak has been helping patients with Depressive disorders for over 30 years, and will be happy to take care of you as well.

Please call us today at (904) 298-1994 to schedule an appointment.

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What are the symptoms of Depression?

  • Sadness of mood
  • Inability to feel pleasure or happiness
  • Feeling of life as a failure
  • Chronic fatigue or low energy
  • Sleep changes, usually Insomnia
  • Feeling overwhelmed, difficulty focusing
  • Loss of self-esteem, indecisiveness
  • Difficulty in concentration

Benefits of Ketamine Therapy

  • Relief of sadness, stress, anxiety, and restoring mental balance and wellness
  • Very quick results in hours or upto a day
  • Ketamine therapy can be used in conjunction with prescription medications and psychotherapy
  • With relief of fatigue and stress, patients feel energetic and blissful

How does Ketamine Relieve Depression

  • Research done at Yale University lab and later at other University labs show that Ketamine triggers production of glutamate in brain, allowing it to rewire and reconnect
  • Glutamate helps the brain create new neural connections and makes it more adaptable
  • Ketamine boosts neurotransmitters and balances brain chemicals that cause Anxiety and Depression
  • Multiple studies show Ketamine enhances structural plasticity (also called neuroplasticity) of dopaminergic neurons thereby causing happiness

What to Expect with Ketamine Infusion

Many patients notice distinct improvement within a few hours or upto a day of IM infusion. For longer lasting relief, weekly or biweekly treatments for 6 to 8 weeks is recommended.

Safety of Ketamine

Ketamine has been used as Anesthetic since 1970 and has a proven track record of being very safe. You will also be closely monitored for about an hour after the Ketamine Infusion.

Personal Note from Dr. Tilak

Unfortunately, over the course of 30 years of practicing Medicine, Dr. Tilak has witnessed countless number of patients suffer from disabling depression and some paid a price of their life combating it. The trials of medications take over a few months, and even at the end of it, many patients still don’t get better. This disabling condition robs them of happiness, significant relationships, advancement in career and so many more hardships.
If yours or your loved ones’ depression is not well controlled, you owe it to yourself to try this most significant advance in Medicine in 60 years for combating Depression.
All of us deserve Happiness in Life.